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Sandor Katz Masterclass in our clients Hampshire kitchen


Johnny writes:

Sandor Katz turned on a tremendous performance. Four hours of condensed thinking, from the history to the origins and current use of wild and homemade fermented foods. We learnt everything from how to make sourdough starters to kefir, cheese and milk products to the principles of alcohol fermentation. After a great lunch provided by Australian chef and food writer, Monique Lane, we had a hands on workshop making sauerkraut. We could not have had a better guide than Sandor, whose knowledge of this transformative ‘invisible realm’ of food and drink is second to none. And we could not have had better hosts than Roy and Janine Naismith, the owners of a now, eight year old, Johnny Grey kitchen.

Twitter users can dip into this culture by buying The Art of Fermentation or Wild Fermentation (the book I am currently reading) or following Sandor (@sandorkraut), a man described by Michael Pollen in Cooked as the ‘Johnny Appleseed of fermentation, a fiftyish writer, advocate, and itinerant teacher’.


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